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SyntaxHighlighter Lib Config

css configure

auto-linkstrueAllows you to turn detection of links in the highlighted element on and off. If the option is turned off, URLs won’t be clickable. Click here for a demo.
class-name''Allows you to add a custom class (or multiple classes) to every highlighter element that will be created on the page. Click here for a demo.
collapsefalseAllows you to force highlighted elements on the page to be collapsed by default. Click here for a demo.
first-line1Allows you to change the first (starting) line number. Click here for a demo.
guttertrueAllows you to turn gutter with line numbers on and off. Click here for a demo.
highlightnullAllows you to highlight one or more lines to focus user’s attention. When specifying as a parameter, you have to pass an array looking value, like [1, 2, 3] or just an number for a single line. If you are changing SyntaxHighlighter.defaults['highlight'], you can pass a number or an array of numbers. Click here for a demo.
html-scriptfalseAllows you to highlight a mixture of HTML/XML code and a script which is very common in web development. Setting this value to true requires that you have shBrushXml.js loaded and that the brush you are using supports this feature. Click here for a demo.
smart-tabstrueAllows you to turn smart tabs feature on and off. Click here for a demo.
tab-size4Allows you to adjust tab size. Click here for a demo.
toolbartrueToggles toolbar on/off. Click here for a demo.


 Brush name

 Brush aliases


 as3, actionscript3

 Bash/shell bash, shell


  cf, coldfusion


  c-sharp, csharp


 cpp, c




 delphi, pas, pascal


 diff, patch


 erl, erlang

 Groovy groovy
 JavaScript js, jscript, javascript
 Java java
 JavaFX jfx, javafx
 Perl  perl, pl
 PHP php
 Plain Text plain, text
 PowerShell ps, powershell
 Python py, python
 Ruby rails, ror, ruby
 Scala scala
 SQL sql
 Visual Basic vb, vbnet
 XML xml, xhtml, xslt, html, xhtml